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Koen Schoolmeesters, one our senior tutors, reflects of his recent trip to Cairo Egypt.

Koen finishes his 6-day teaching experience with great hosts PrimephysioUK to continue the Education in Movement programme.

A new intake of students embarked upon the Coordination Efficiency modules.

Great for new students to understand the concept, establishing key skills to evaluate the efficiency of movement control and to add a new dimension to clinical practice. Our ‘Co-ordination Efficiency’ modules put movement quality at the heart of the clinical assessment and retraining process. The courses are built around a clinic applicable model, connecting pain, pathology and compromised function to any individual patient’s presentation.

“That’s why I ‘m passionate to teach the KC courses- to notice/experience how much course participants (colleagues) in 2 days can learn and progress in understanding and implementing the Kinetic Control clinical reasoning framework. 23 enthusiastic colleagues from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Sweden attended the course and are ready now to make the Movement Control Impairment Diagnosis and to cognitively retrain patients with low back and hip pain, neck and shoulder pain”

Koen then led the 2-day Masterclass - Impairments of the Lower Leg exploring a systemised framework of movement assessment and retraining to address pain, pathology and compromised function associated with movement choices at the knee, foot and ankle. Exploration of co-ordination patterns and muscle recruitment strategies that represent the building blocks of the full gait cycle were explored in detail.

Then onto a celebration for those therapists who have now finished the 7 courses required to become registered as Kinetic Control Movement Therapists.

We can’t wait see them on the KCMT map!

A special step in my career”

If you would like to find out more about becoming a KCMT, please click here.


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