20th June 2018
We all know the value of exercise and movement for health and wellbeing. Indeed, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has recently launched a campaign ‘Love Activity Hate Exercise?’ The campaign is driven by the fact that physical inactivity is a major health problem. The campaign is based on barriers that prevent patients from being more active and sets out to engage physiotherapists in promoting physical activity and making it accessible to a wide range of people (click here to find out more). Physiotherapists across the UK are being encouraged to join up and get involved with the #LoveActivity campaign.

That said, movement is now being recognised as having a significant role in managing back, neck, hip and knee pain as well as a wide range of disorders associated to muscles and joints. Despite major advances in medicine technology, back pain is still the number one cause of disability in the world. The message in the scientific press is clear; there needs to be less emphasis on surgery, imaging techniques and medication and more focus on giving people tools to help themselves become active again. Giving people the option to move better has a role in managing symptoms, preventing recurrence and giving them ‘Movement Health’ throughout their life.
Patient education, patient empowerment, exercises and self-management have shown remarkable improvements in health, pain, disability, consumption of less pain medication, increase in physical activity, reduced sick leave and return to work in people with knee osteoarthritis (click here to find out more). The key to these outcomes is patient education andexercise programmes. So, activity is good but exercise can make a difference to back and neck pain, hip and knee pain. However, this exercise needs to be targeted to each individual, so movement patterns can be changed for maximum effect.

So, this is where TPM Active comes in. TPM Active gives you easy access to the world’s best movement specialists, analysis and retraining system.
TPM Active is the sign of Movement Health.

How it works:
1. Contact your nearest TPM Active Movement Specialist and book a session (link to map)
2. Your TPM Active Movement Specialist will guide you through our unique assessment system, which reveals the hidden details of your movement
3. You will get a personal TPM Active report which highlights your opportunities for improvements and any risk areas
4. Your TPM Active Movement Specialist will design a personalised exercise and movement retraining programme to allow you to start moving more freely and easily
5. Your TPM Active Movement Specialist will guide you through the programme, track your progress and update your programme