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Writer's pictureComera Group


13th August 2018

It is clear many clinicians are emerging as ‘Movement System Experts’. Yet, given the broad scope of the movement system, it is essential that this expertise is built by a comprehensive education model.

Education supplies new perspectives; changing our clinical practice, developing our clinical skillset, helping our patients’ long-term quality of life. Aiding clinicians in achieving these 3 outcomes, we present a different perspective on our flagship education route, ‘The Movement Solution’:

It’s an opportunity to access more than 100 hours of face to face expertise, delivered over 15 days, spread over more than 6 months.

That’s a significant chunk of education; comparable and often exceeding the face to face contact of many formal, post-graduate, higher-education courses. If movement assessment and retraining is becoming increasingly central to your approach, each day of ‘The Movement Solution’ represents another step towards clinical excellence. Although very well-established, just like any other post-graduate education, ‘The Movement Solution’ has constantly updated content and reconsidered the application of the clinical skills and concepts it presents against emerging literature.

Moving with the times and central to the Kinetic Control approach, is the emphasis placed on the ‘health of movement’ or ‘Movement Health’ (Dingenen et al., 2018; McNeill & Blandford, 2015). Therefore, this route of education puts movement at the heart of the clinical process.

Here we give a little more insight on how:


The first 5 days of the course represents ‘Week 1’ of The Movement Solution. In this week, there is an exploration of the many factors that may influence patients’ movement (Fig 1.). The course then considers how this complexity can be managed through the employment of a movement assessment process guided by tightly defined criteria of ‘movement quality’ with specific focus placed upon co-ordination.

The co-ordination patterns associated to patients’ presentations are identified and movement retraining targeting these specific pain related patterns addressed.

Figure 1. Multiple factors influence the observed movement pattern (adapted from Dingenen et al., 2018)


Following time away from the course, allowing clinicians time to apply their new skills, days 6-10 explore the assessment and retraining of muscle synergies. There is now a large body of evidence identifying how the presence of pain brings about changes in the recruitment patterns of muscle synergies (Claus et al., 2018; Heales et al., 2016; Worsley et al., 2013). These altered muscle synergies influence movement patterns (Hug & Tucker, 2017). Figure 2 represents this relationship; in the presence of pain, the performance of non-fatiguing tasks is accompanied by changes in the relative contribution of a range of muscle synergists, which changes characteristics of the patient’s movement.

Week 2 of the course offers the conceptual and practical tools to assess and retrain muscle synergies.

Figure 2. The presence of pain alters muscle synergies, influencing movement patterns (Kinetic Control, 2018)


Again, following time back in their clinical environments, course attendees return for days 11-15. These 5 days continue with muscle synergies, optimising movement health and considers the clinical reasoning process in which the Kinetic Control framework operates and how this links to other clinical interventions.

Putting the pieces together for long term Movement Health

Contemporary literature is considered alongside the practical application of a highly systemised clinical process.

The course offers a comprehensive clinical, movement-focussed solution in musculoskeletal pain syndromes and compromised function. After 15 developmental days and the practical application and reflection within your own clinic environment, you will have a detailed understanding of a highly systemised clinical framework to manage your patients through movement. It will also set you well on the road to becoming a Kinetic Control Movement Therapist.


‘The Movement Solution changed the way I work today! It merges all my previous experience regarding Neurodynamics, Manual Therapy, Exercise Therapy, Motor learning.

Thank you for this comprehensive work!’

Here is what class of 2017 said:


Claus, A. P., Hides, J. A., Moseley, G. L., & Hodges, P. W. (2018). Different ways to balance the spine in sitting: Muscle activity in specific postures differs between individuals with and without a history of back pain in sitting. Clinical Biomechanics.Dingenen, B., Blandford, L., Comerford, M., Staes, F., & Mottram, S. (2018). The assessment of movement health in clinical practice: A multidimensional perspective. Physical Therapy in Sport.Heales, L. J., Hug, F., MacDonald, D. A., Vicenzino, B., & Hodges, P. W. (2016). Is synergistic organisation of muscle coordination altered in people with lateral epicondylalgia? A case–control study. Clinical Biomechanics, 35, 124-131.Hug, F. & K. Tucker. Muscle coordination and the development of musculoskeletal disorders. Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev., Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 201–208, 2017.McNeill, W., & Blandford, L. (2015). Movement health. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 19(1), 150-159.Worsley, P., Warner, M., Mottram, S., Gadola, S., Veeger, H. E., Hermens, H., et al. (2013). Motor control retraining exercises for shoulder impingement: Effects on function, muscle activation, and biomechanics in young adults. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 22(4), e11e19.


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