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In March, the very first Kinetic Control (KC) study group in Asia was hosted at the ”康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre” in Taipei, founded by Kinetic Control Accredited Tutor, Suzanne Tang, at the beginning of this year.

To start the day, KC tutor Tina Lin delivered a key theory review, followed by clinical case study led by Suzanne. The study group was a huge success, helping participants not only review what they had covered on previous courses, but also clarify the question raised by when they apply the KC process in clinical practice. The success of the day has prompted Suzanne to host more study groups in the near future.

The venue, the OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre, mainly focuses on promoting ‘the health of movement (Movement Health) for the general public, physiotherapists and all movement professions/practitioners.

The OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre provides TPM Active movement assessment and retraining along with other movement-based training classes, such as Pilates and GYROKINESIS; all aim to prevent musculoskeletal problems and pain in addition to improving function and elevating sports performance.

The centre also provides an excellent learning environment for movement professions, hosting a series of KC courses for physiotherapist and plus ‘The Performance Matrix’ (TPM) courses for all movement professions.

Outlining the overarching goal of the centre, Suzanne states,

“OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre is helping people regain optimal control and optimal choices in their life, helping people move better, feel better and perform better. We empower clients, therapists and trainers with movement!”

She adds,

“Being a member of the Comera Movement Science family is really a blessing. Our professional teaching teams are formed by the best therapists and movement professions all around the world. In regular online meetings and annual internal training projects, we discuss teaching methods, clinical experiences, latest researches and scientific evidence, which enormously helps our professional development. We are not on our own, by supporting each other, we are growing in an amazing way both in teaching and clinical practice.”

Her passion for teaching and spreading the movement message is apparent; Suzanne says,

“More and more movement related professions have done the KC courses / TPM courses in Asia. In Taiwan, the Taiwan Physical Therapy Association hosts the ‘Kinetic Control - The Movement Solution 1’ at least once a year and is in the process of organising ‘The Movement Solution 2 & 3’ to run twice in 2020. The OPTimal Control Wellness Center organises KC - Modular Courses every 2 months, and, we have just completed the very first TPM course, with 10 new TPM Movement Specialists joining us.”

With more and more movement professions/practitioner joining both the KC and TPM family, the Optimal Control Wellness Center will keep working along with Comera Movement Science to develop the bigger movement family. Finally, Suzanne states,

“We all are very excited about the “movement movement” we are developing together in Asia. We are looking forward to your participation in the quickly growing movement family.”

今年三月,亞洲第一場 Kinetic Control (KC) 讀書會於台北舉行,由KC講師湯士萱 (Suzanne Tang) 所創辦的「康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre」舉辦。

讀書會由 KC 講師林維萱 (Tina Lin) 老師複習重點理論揭開序幕,接著由士萱 (Suzanne) 老師帶領大家分析與討論臨床個案。讀書會除了複習認證課程內容,也進一步討論於臨床運用時所遇到的問題。會後回饋廣受好評,未來士萱老師將會舉辦更多的讀書會,幫助大家更得心應手地於臨床運用KC。

「康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre」,致力於推廣「動作健康」,服務對象包含一般民眾、物理治療師及所有動作相關專業人員。

「康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre」針對一般民眾提供「TPM active 動作系統健康檢測」與訓練,及皮拉提斯 (Pilates) 、脊椎螺旋運動 GYROKINESIS……等運動課程,旨在預防肌肉骨骼傷害與疼痛、增進功能及提升運動表現。

「康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre」也提供動作相關專業人員優良的學習課程與環境,針對物理治療師及醫療人員,舉辦一系列的 KC 課程;並提供所有動作相關專業人員 The Performance Matrix (TPM) 課程。

「康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre」創辦人湯士萱 (Suzanne Tang)表示:「我們中心幫助客戶找回生活中最佳的身體控制與最佳的動作選擇能力,幫助客戶動得更順,感覺更好,表現更佳!我們用動作賦予客戶更好的生活,賦予治療師、訓練員更專業的能力。(“OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre is helping people regain optimal control and optimal choices in their life, helping people move better, feel better and perform better. We empower clients, therapists and trainers with movement!” )」

「身為英國 Comera Movement Science (旗下包含 KC、TPM 等課程) 大家庭的一員是一種福氣,我們專業的教學團隊由來自全世界數一數二的治療師及訓練師所組成。我們在定期線上會議及內部訓練中,分享與討論教學方法、臨床經驗及最新的研究報告及文獻,不斷精進與成長,使我們不論在教學或臨床上,都能帶給個案、客戶與學生更高品質的治療與課程。」士萱老師說著,對於教學及傳遞動作健康概念的熱情溢於言表。

「亞洲有越來越多的動作健康相關專業人員加入 KC 及 TPM 的行列。臺灣物理治療學會每年至少舉辦一次『Kinetic Control - The Movement Solution 1』課程,並將於 2020 年舉辦『The Movement Solution 2 、 3』 課程各兩次;康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre 每兩個月舉辦一次 Kinetic Control – Modular Courses,每年至少舉辦六堂。TPM 課程今年五月首次於臺灣舉辦,共有十位新的 TPM 動作專家加入我們的行列。」士萱老師說明。

隨著越來越多的動作專業相關人員加入 KC 與 TPM 的行列,康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre 會持續與 Comera Movement Science 一起合作努力,打造更大的「動作家庭」。

最後士萱表示,「我們非常看好與 Comera Movement Science 在亞洲一起發展的『動作行動 (the Movement Movement)』,非常期待您與更多的人加入我們迅速增長的動作大家庭,一起提升全民的動作健康。」


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