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15th December 2015

Over the past five years Kinetic Control has been growing its audience in India. Senior Tutor and Director Sarah Mottram led the way back in 2010 when she collaborated with the Academy of Rehab Sciences in Mumbai, to deliver the inital KC courses. Since then she has returned each year and now there are a number of qualified Kinetic Control Movement Therapists in the region who have mastered the KC process.

To read Sarah's biography click here.

As an international educator, clinician and researcher Sarah Mottram continues to make significant contributions to the development and ongoing emergence of the ‘Movement Health’ philosophy, now endorsed by influential organisations and individuals within the movement based field.

Below is a picture of Sarah with some of the students at the Academy, taken earlier this year

In February 2016 KC's Mark Comerford steps into the role previously filled by Sarah at the Academy of Rehab Sciences to deliver two level three courses.


Mark is a Kinetic Control colossus and is excited to be teaching in India for his first time, read about Mark here.

Mark Comerford’s passport states his occupation as ‘physiotherapist’; yet expecting all physios to match his skill set, experience and influence would be an error; he is a very rare breed. Simply put, Mark’s vision, creativity and profound understanding of the human movement system has allowed new ground to be reached in the systematic analysis and management of movement impairments.

Elsewhere in India Tutor Padmanaban Sekaran continues to develop the programe and introduces new students to Kinetic Control with his lectures, seminars and workshops, all largely taking place in Bangalore.

See Padmanaban in action in the photos below, both in UEA and Bangalore earlier this year, and read his KC biography here.

When not teaching Padmanaban heads up “Movement Control Solutions” a consultation firm specialising in consultancy services for movement control and sports performance. Through this business Padmanaban promotes Kinetic Control education and The Performance Matrix in India and the Middle East.


With the increasing interest for Kinetic Control in India we welcome the addition of Hemakshi Basu and Swekha Mehta to the team. Both now qualified tutors they have put together a course programme extending into 2017, when they will be teaching both separately and together in Bandra, Mumbai, India.

Find out a bit more about Swekha here and click here for a recent newpaper article about Hemakshi, who has helped organise the course programme in Mumbai on previous years; and read Hemakshi's KC biography here.

Swekha believes that RETRAINING MOVEMENT is the future of physiotherapy management and the key to treating a patient successfully and holistically. Kinetic Control has helped her integrate movement retraining as a part of her assessment and rehabilitation.

Hemakshi states "I believe Physiotherapy is a unique branch of rehab medicine that adds life to one’s years and not just years to one’s life! Kinetic Control, helped me realize that this can be achieved by understanding Movement better – by changing patients movement impairments thereby changing pain”


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