9th May 2017
The global network of TPM Pro clinics enjoy access to elite level movement management masterclasses. Last weekend saw TPM Pro clinic SUF, Espoo in Finland spend two days reviewing and refining the use of The Performance Matrix (TPM) movement assessment and retraining tool.

The SUF slogan sums up their philosophy
This bespoke masterclass included managing the latissimus dorsi, elite sport case studies, and exercise, session and programme design. This last topic centred upon the how clinicians may adopt techiques from the world of strength and conditioning alongside the site, direction and threshold approach (Comerford & Mottram, 2012) when delivering long-term movement support to both recreational and elite athletes.
It seems that a multi-disciplinary approach is gaining wider support following a recent BJSM (2017) (Using strength and conditioning in physiotherapy, 2017) blog. Our team has been promoting this perspective of combining performance steered concepts with movement quality for quite a while (McNeill & Blandford, 2013).

Working hard on whole-body dynamic alignment and co-ordination
Clinic owner, Tero Malinen says, ‘The two day’s masterclass here at SUF was a success. We had a really full-on session on program designs. We found new "tools" to think and fit exercises for our clients. We were challenged with great elite sport case study - not the easiest one! And most of all we got updated what is Movement Health in 2017. Basically that is what we all want - healthy movement.’

Questions of ‘functional’ versus effective were explored; ‘if it works, it works’

See how ‘The Movement Health Solution’ allows you to put elite movement management in your clinic and bridge the gap between traditional treatment and the clinical application of contemporary movement and performance science.