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2nd February 2017

The KC programme in Taiwan came to a successful close this week. New tutor Suzanne Tang, delivered the teaching with senior tutor and KC founding member Mark Comerford. Here Suzanne gives a summary of the last few weeks and an insight into what Kinetic Control education can bring to Taiwan.

Tutor Suzanne Tang pictured

Kinetic Control is not only just about a technique, but a concept, a systematic clinical analysis method.

Kinetic Control grants me further insight into movement, including ways of discovering movement problems, training clients, and relieving pain and improving function through movement retraining and movement education. Meanwhile, this method enables me to integrate the know-how I’ve already acquired, such as manual therapy and movement therapy courses, into my clinical practice, training programs for dancers, Pilates and GYROKINESIS® teaching. Most importantly, my clients’ comforts in their daily lives are reflected in their significant progress with my new treating, teaching and training methods of Kinetic Control.

Since mid-January, Taiwan's annual Movement Solution 1 has started, followed up by Movement Solution 2 and the Myofascial Trigger Point courses. It is my genuine delight to teach this series of fascinating courses with Mark. I am able to share with my colleagues how to comprehensively evaluate clients, draft movement training programmed, optimise treatment outcomes, prevent recurrence and promote a better quality of life. Assist clients to move better, feel better and do more.

I really enjoy teaching. The spark of enlightenment in people’s eyes makes me so passionate about sharing all the information. I'm so excited to be a part of Kinetic Control team and teach Kinetic Control courses in Asia.

Mark, Suzanne and one of the students pictured left

“It has been great having Suzanne teaching with me here in Taiwan. She has demonstrated that she is a very good translator and her confidence presenting, knowledge in our material and rapport with the course participants in her first role training with Kinetic Control has been amazing. She is dynamic and will be a real asset for the future. Chinese speaking participants will have a first class Kinetic Control instructor in the future.”----- Mark Comerford

We are looking forward to Suzanne developing the programme in Asia.

Kinetic Control不只是一種技術,而且是一套概念,一套有系統的臨床分析法。

Kinetic Control 讓我對動作有了更深一層的了解,包含如何找出動作問題、如何訓練、如何透過動作訓練處理疼痛與增進功能。同時,也讓我能夠更有效率地整合與運用已有的知識與技術,包括徒手治療技巧、運動治療概念(Pilates, GYROKINESIS®)……等等,並應用於臨床治療、舞者與運動員訓練及團體­­­運動教學;最重要的是,將 Kinetic Control 靈活運用於治療、訓練與教學後,個案得到更加快速、顯著的改善與進步。讓個案能夠舒適的完成自己想做的事,是我們最大的目標。

從過年前,一年一度的Movement Solution 1 就已經開始! 緊接著是Movement Solution 2 以及 Myofascial Trigger Points 的課程。很高興能夠和Mark 老師一起教授這一系列精彩的課程,與大家分享在臨床上,如何全面地評估,了解如何為個案訂定復健、動作訓練計畫,使治療與訓練以更有效率的方式達到最佳治療效果,並預防復發。協助個案動得更輕鬆,過得更舒適,活得更充實。

在課堂中,看到大家求知若渴的眼神,與豁然開朗的神情,讓我對教學更加具有熱忱,並迫不及待地想將所有的知識和大家分享。非常高興能和 Kinetic Control團隊一起努力,將珍貴的知識分享給更多人,也期待未來在亞洲教授更多課程。

Mark:「很高興在台灣和士萱(Suzanne)一起教授課程! 他第一次在課程中擔任Kinetic Control培訓講師的表現令人驚豔!課程之中,她不只是一位出色的翻譯,同時展現了自信穩健的教學風範;對於Kinetic Control課程內容更是具有深刻的理解,和學員們的互動也相當良好。士萱具有十足的熱忱與活力,在未來將是寶貴的人才。以中文為母語的學員們有福了!你們將擁有一位頂級的Kinetic Control 中文講師。」

Enquire about any of our courses via the booking page on the KC website

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